Note To Self
Slow motion juggling
Here’s more of Scot juggling in slow motion including flaming torches.. and apples.
Print From Mac’s Quick Look
I lot of people don’t know what Quick Look is. When you have a file name selected on your mac, you can hit spacebar to see what it looks like without opening it. Â This works for images, pdfs, text files, videos, and more. Â It’s a great time saver. Â Well, I just discovered the neatness of…
Thinking about being a man
I’ve been thinking about what it means to be a man. I’d like to think that I can bypass this step by not taking on responsibility, but the truth is, I’m a man regardless. Am I gonna be a good one or a sucky one? This is what I think a man is… It doesn’t…
My partner from the Showoff Show — Evan Young — and I shot 54 videos in October. We’re releasing them once a week. There’s a combination of things that we do to have a fun life, solutions for everyday life and techniques to make toy weapons. It parallels our live stage show in which we…
4 types of teaching
I’ve been teaching juggling lessons for a few years. Â My mom has been in public education all my life and my dad does sports training. I pay attention to how people learn and especially to why they’re bummed out by other teachers. Â Here are 4 types of teaching… Sloth =Â You treat teaching like it’s a…
Compressing all the images on your site…
Here I use Transmit (FtP app) and Smushit.com (web based compression app) to compress all the images on my site in about 60 seconds!
Republicans, Proudly State “I VoMitted Today”
4 Ways Comedy Gets Poorer
Comedians need to stop complaining that they can’t make a living. I am a professional comedy performer and I’ve seen comedy be devalued over the past 12 years that I’ve been full-time. Because it’s been slow, I’ve been able to see it happening and have  had time to get over a lot of my initial anger…
I wanna feel less racist (film guide)
feeling racist sucks. I don’t like feeling like a hateful person or someone who needs the simplicity of labeling and categorizing things by face value. It’s also wrong to be racist in my social circles. It’s not analog, you are either racist or not. Things you say are racist or not. The truth is we…
Got any book recommendations?